People who drive extensively for work face a unique set of strains on the body. Massage therapy can help alleviate symptoms and reduce stress related to being a driver.
Can Massage Therapy Help People with Desk Jobs?
If you are among the many Canadians who work at a desk, you are probably familiar with the feeling of tense shoulders, headaches, neck pain, lower back pain, or shoulder pain. You may be aware that keeping a proper posture and taking breaks to keep the body moving can help manage or prevent some of the pain. But did you …
How Can Massage Therapy Benefit Nurses?
Being a nurse is one of the most stressful professions in the health care industry. After a long day of being on their feet, most nurses experience occupational stress and physical pain. Massage therapy can help alleviate those painful symptoms and reduce work-related stress. Here’s how:
What’s the difference between a Registered Massage Therapist, Physiotherapist, and Chiropractor?
Many people come into our massage clinic wondering what the difference is between a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), a physiotherapist, and a chiropractor. Hopefully our brief summary here will be helpful.
Got knots? Introduction to Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger points are a very common source of pain and they can often prevent us from conquering our daily tasks. What are trigger points and how can a registered massage therapist (RMT) help you? Read below to find out.
3 Benefits You Don’t Know About Massage Therapy
Massage therapy has become an increasingly popular method to alleviate stress and pain that comes with day-to-day work. Whether you have tight and sore muscles from sitting in your office cubical or sports injuries that prevent you from performing your best, a registered massage therapist (RMT) can utilize different massage techniques to help you regain your flexibility. But do you …
4 Differences between a Spa Massage and a Clinical Massage with a Registered Massage Therapist
So you’re thinking about getting a massage. Should you go to a spa? Or should you find a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) at a clinic? What’s the difference between the two? Here are four differences: